Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sometimes It Takes a Shipwreck

Can you imagine being arrested, appearing before authorities, being shipped off to a new place, living through a raging storm for about two weeks with very little food, being shipwrecked at sea, swimming to shore in turbulent waters, depending on the kindness of strangers for three months, then ultimately making your way to your destination as a prisoner ALL to be allowed to rent a home for two years just in time to fulfill your God-given destiny?

Wow. That was Paul's story in the New Testament Book of Acts.

I got to thinking...sometimes it takes a shipwreck before we can get to exactly where we need to be for God to use us as He had planned. If you are in the turbulent waters now, my friend, do not let your heart be troubled. For God knows the very number of hairs on your head. He may be waiting for a surrender of your own will, for an admission of trust in His plan, for a readiness to go whatever.

My dear friend Andy Magee's famous last words before one of my incredible journeys...."Hang on for the ride."

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